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The beautiful weather is starting to peak through the hedges and many people only have one thing on their mind – it’s garden time!

Growing a garden, whether it is a community garden, a hydro garden, a garden in your back yard etc. growing your own fruits and veggies gives you a sense of accomplishment. Having fresh produce in your backyard is not only a great way to get kids to eat more veggies but also encourages more fruit and veggie consummation, reduces the exposure of pesticides, boosts your time soaking in the sun, improves your mental health and lowers your every day stress levels.

If this is your first time growing a garden, make sure you keep in mind that it can take up a lot of your free time. Removing weeds and watering are just two of many tasks you will need to do to keep your garden growing. Make sure to start small and “Grow” from there.

When you are ready to start your garden, research is key. Decide where you would like to create your garden oasis. Keep in mind the 4 important things every plant needs: water, light (Sun), nutrients and good soil. Joe (our broker) swears by a good triple-triple soil mix to make your veggie garden soar! Your soil can be directly on the ground, or you can have it raised with a garden bed. Make sure your garden location offers the best sun exposure, the more light your garden receives, the better.

Gardens that face north receive the least amount of light, which can result in them being damper. South facing gardens receive the most light and are the most ideal. Gardens that face east receive more light in the morning versus the west facing garden which receives light mostly in the late afternoon and evening.

Research which plants grow better in your climate and your area and when is the best time to start growing to ensure you get the most out of your garden. Here is a link that can help you determine what to grow in the Ottawa area.

Some of the easiest veggies to grow in our climate are: Tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers and lettuce.

As you can see in the list above, some plants like to start growing inside of your house before you move them to your garden soil. Gardening does not only have to be a summer thing. You can grow tropical plants in your house all year round. Indoor plants offer just as much stress reduction and can improve the quality of air inside your home. Many of these plants thrive during the summer months with the extra sun. Some plants like Monsteras, birds of paradise, Palms etc. flourish when they are moved outdoors in the summer to soak in the beautiful, warm rays.

Hydro gardens are indoor gardens grown in hydroponics – or simply, in water. You can grow a smaller scale garden in these hydroponic gardens right in your own kitchen! This can be a great way to have fresh herbs all year round. The trick is making sure they have great nutrition. proper humidity, the right temperature regimes and corrected water pH to grow in optimal conditions. You can fertilize your plants similar to the way you would your outdoor garden, but with liquid plant fertilizer. Make sure your plants are not overcrowded and have plenty of room to grow as well as enough room to breathe and allow ample ventilation to prevent mold from growing.

Have fun gardening!

Michelle Lefebvre